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While the bulk of our common practice is carried out in silence, chanting is an integral part of the total practice package. Far from a departure from the stillness of the zendo, it is that stillness now maintained with the use of the voice. In this respect, it is simply another form of zazen.


The words are not as important as our ability to throw ourselves completely into the chant, surrendering the ego in the rhythm of the instruments and the blend of our common voices. We are helped in this regard by the fact that there are only a few chants that we do, and the chant lineup remains rather invariant week to week, year in and year out:


Sunday Chanting Service

The Three Treasures

Prajna Paramita Hridaya (Heart of Perfect Wisdom)

Kannon Sutra

Shosai Myokichijo Dharani

Return of Merit


Sesshin Morning Chanting Service

The Three Treasures

Affirming Faith in Mind

Full Ancestral Line


Sesshin Afternoon Chanting Service

The Three Treasures

Prajna Paramita Hridaya (Heart of Perfect Wisdom)

Kannon Sutra

Daihishin Dharani​

Return of Merit

The Four Vows


There is a chant book at each place in the Buddha Hall, so there is no need to memorize the chants ahead of time. If you'd like to look at it on your own, the chant book is available as a pdf from the Rochester Zen Center website.

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